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Find out the latest news here at The Awsworth Youth & Community Centre

Would you like to give something back to the community?


We are looking for additional trustees to join our small but passionate team of volunteers who share a love of the local community and want to bring people of all ages together.


The Awsworth Youth & Community Centre is a small charity (514283) located in the village of Awsworth, Nottingham. We originally started as a youth club and our primary aim is still to provide youth activities to those in the local area however we are also used by many other community groups such as the local Methodist Church and numerous local interest groups such as camera clubs and musical groups.


Our youth club is free for all those in school years 6-10 every Thursday evening with a small tuck shop.

We do not receive any funding from the local council and rely on our low hire fees and any suitable grants that we can obtain for our income.


In 2024 we decided to hire a part-time member of staff on a fixed term contract to enable the building to be used more and to get our centre seen by more people.

As part of this growth, we are looking for more people to join us as Trustees, to help steer us forward in the next stage of our journey and help to give the residents of Awsworth and the surrounding villages an affordable and accessible location to meet, connect and get more from life.


Charity trustees have six legal duties:

1. Ensuring a charity is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit

2. Complying with the charity’s governing document and the law

3. Acting in the charity’s best interests

4. Managing the charity’s resources responsibly

5. Acting with reasonable care and skill

6. Ensuring the charity is accountable


We welcome applications from all backgrounds but are particularly interested in hearing from people with experience in the youth or education sector, finance or legal knowledge or those who have worked with charities before.

We normally meet around four times a year and the meetings are rarely over an hour long. It is probably less than 12 hours a year of your time, but your help can be invaluable to us and the people in the community we serve.


If you think that could make a difference and would like to know more, please contact us at and tell us more about yourself and what you have to offer our charity.