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Happy Halloween! 


As Halloween falls on a Thursday this year we will not be running our normal youth club session and will instead be at the door ready to give out sweets to the scariest children that Awsworth has to offer!

Any age, if you are dressed up, then pop by and see us!


If you are thinking of trick-or-treating, please follow this advice from the Police to keep it a fun and safe event for everyone involved.

We want you to enjoy Halloween, but remember, not everyone wants to take part!

Here are a few things to remember when you're out this Halloween.

  • If you’re going trick or treating, make sure you go with an adult and your parent or carer knows where you’re going and when to expect you back.
  • Only approach houses that are decorated.
  • Don’t knock if there’s a sign saying ‘No trick or treat here’ or similar.
  • Be polite and be careful not to frighten elderly or vulnerable people.
  • Don’t go trick or treating alone - stay with your group.
  • Only visit areas where there are streetlights.
  • Don’t throw eggs and flour.
  • Be careful crossing roads in the dark.
  • Have a great time, stay safe and look out for each other.
  • If you or someone you know is in danger call 999. If you witness antisocial behaviour, call 101.


If you don't want to be disturbed, you can display this poster from Nottinghamshire Police and remember, don't open the door if you don't want to!