COMING 26TH FEB...Bottled Up Blokes
You may have already heard of Bottled Up Blokes or BUB Hubs, the peer group started by Tim Cox who himself struggled with depression.
Its aim is to help men find their inner voice and to talk it out in a safe and non-judgmental space.
Starting Wednesday 26th February, the Awsworth Youth & Community Centre are proud to be the newest BUB Hub as they use our space to offer an even more relaxed environment through using the youth club equipment such as the pool table, table tennis and video games alongside being able to share their experiences and get things off their chest with other like-minded men.
Wednesday 7pm - 9pm.
Free to attend for males, over 18 years. Refreshments are provided.
For more information see, email or visit their Facebook page
Find Us: The Lane, Awsworth, Nottingham, NG16 2QQ
Website kindly hosted by Krystal Hosting Ltd
UK Charity