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COMING SOON...Stitch 'n' Sip Group


We are hugely excited to announce one of our two new community groups that will be brought to you in February.


For all you knitters, crochet fans or other stitching crafters we have a new social group that is perfect for you! Beginning Monday 10th February, please join us every week from 10 am - 12 pm at The Awsworth Youth & Community Centre.


Come in from the cold and enjoy a nice cuppa in a relaxed, warm environment with like-minded stitchers. Please bring your own materials and projects to work on. A small amount of materials will be available to any total beginners with basic instructions but please be aware that this is not an instructor-led session and no materials are to be taken home.

Refreshments and biscuits will be provided.


Stitch 'n' Sip sessions are free to attend however a donation box will be made available to help cover the running costs. A voluntary contribution of £1 per person would be greatly appreciated.


Donations of any old or spare yarn and knitting or crochet needles that you may have tucked away would be greatly appreciated to help those total beginners try the crafts out.


We also have an Amazon wish list that enables those who wish to support our charity to be able to do so. The list has many ideas for our free youth club and community groups and any support would be greatly appreciated.

You can find the list here-


If you have any further queries or are able to help with donations please contact Angela Henson at or through our Facebook page